New Year Eve Sail to Sydney Harbour with Sponsors
2 January 2019
Our YWAM Ships Newcastle crew invited some of our sponsors to sail aboard the s/v Ruach down to Sydney Harbour to celebrate New Year Eve in style. We were able to drop anchor close to the city, with a prime view of the fantastic fireworks...
Newcastle Herald: YWAM Ships Newcastle to open up the deck of s/v Ruach to the public on Saturday at Queens Wharf
5 November 2018
The following article was published on the Newcastle Herald on November 3rd, 2018. “SAILING vessel Ruach will have an open gangplank on Saturday, offering the public free tours of the Youth With A Mission medical ship at Queens...
Aurora Magazine: Newcastle’s ambassador ship builds links with Papua New Guinea
23 September 2018
Newsroom,Volunteer Stories,Press
“When I think back on my time onboard the s/v Ruach in the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea (PNG), I cannot help to think of whose life was truly changed for the better– my own, or the people that we were reaching through medical and...